Streaming Services
All our services are now online, and all on-site services are practicing social distance and wearing masks to honor local and state governments. Please visit us online at Church Online for stream services and online prayer. Services and devotions are also posted at Facebook and our YouTube channel.
Service times
3710 NW Topeka Blvd.
Topeka, KS 66617.

Delta Groups
Delta groups are one of the ways that we are family at FFLC. They give us the opportunity to have real conversation, friendships, and relationships beyond the large group service.
Delta Connects happen on Sunday AM as part of our main gathering. After a time of worship and hearing the Word, we break into small groups in the sanctuary. Some of these groups are age based, others are interest based, and still others are multi-facited. Usually they last from 11:15 AM until a little after noon. This is an opporunity to meet others over coffee and snacks, and often involve discussion, application, and prayer related to the morning message.
Delta Communities are interest based groups that meet outside of Sunday AM. They provide an opportunity for connection, and real relationships.